This week end I finished reading The Glass Bead Game book, by Hermannn Hesse.I found this is very interesting and highly recommended to read. After almost 7 years I found a book comparable with Atlas Shrugged in terms of context. Hermannn Hesse got Nobel prize for literature and this book was one of main consideration.
Story is fiction futuristic 23rd century; but it is not sify type… infact it is very philosophical in nature, it talks about Order and disorder in life, how to earn faith (quite new to me) by doubts and clarifying the doubt. All the characters are fictious but more or less developed on real time persons like philosophers Friedrich Nietzsche, historians Jakob Burckhardt.
One need to constantly refer wikipedia since it talks about art movements, music masters, styles, meditation I ching, Hinduism, church…
If u think to read the book skip introduction at beginning, its quite confusing.. but make sense after u read it.
Narration style is very different, and difficult, since writer wrote this book as a researcher historian finding life and detail about Joseph Knecht through interview of peoples, his books, poetry and other references… end is bit disturbing.. but who cares it? Over all very nice experience to read…
Through out the book writer developed interest by making the conceptual game "glass bead game" its rules and history of its champions...
In Atlas shrugged John Galt makes one ideal world, here is starts with ideal world and then goes back to normal world of disorder… with respect for it...
Its plot is based on Plato’s philosophy of education where he feels that kids are the future of society so they need to be educated in isolation than normal family life, (Indian guru-shishya pranali is also the same) in protected environment, he goes in detail in extend that what subjects at what age should be taught. Once they are ready to serve society can go out from protected educational society… its bit radical at first, but it make sense...
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